Queen of random, this child of mine is always brimming over with love that she cannot help expressing. As I was working on another post, she came trotting on her tippy toes (always) out to the kitchen, got right in my face (always) and said, "Excuse me Mommy, could I kiss your cheek?" Only the wicked step mother would say no, so I responded with, "Of course!" After matter-of-factly planting a perfect 5 year old kiss square on my cheek she trotted back to the living room just as quickly as she had come announcing, "I love You Mommy!" Now my cup overflows with love. Some would call it impulsive. We big people could learn a lot from our little ones about expressing our love impulsively. Why not? The next time I am brimming over with love for someone else, I will think of my eldest Little Woman, and express my love freely - maybe not in the form of a kiss, but with a hug, in words, or a loving touch.
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