Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I was the "Meosaur" tonight (Have you ever read the book "Minosaur?"  The Groff girls love it, the only problem is that the younger ones tend to walk around saying "mine, mine, mine" after we read it.  And I work so hard to teach them not to say that in the first place!  Oh well, as they get older, they understand the real purpose of the book.

All I wanted was to do something for me, me, me.  And I really didn't realize it until I read a post from a dear friend who is on an adoption journey.  I got out for a jog tonight (pretty close to dark), after trying hard to settle Talia and not really sure if she was settled as I ran.  And I was thinking, selfishly, I sometimes wish my babies didn't need ME so much...Ryan helps with the babies some, but the truth is, especially with breast feeding, they usually need ME in these early weeks. And for us there are 5 other little women that also need our love and attention, so he is generally pulled in that many other directions.  The only reason I wish they didn't need ME is so I could do whatever it is that ME wants to!  It is purely selfish.

And then I thought...I don't think, in fact I know, that God doesn't respond that way to all of us (to ME) who desperately need Him...because he unselfishly loves us, gives to us and provide for us, ALL of the time.  I know, I know, there are those who will argue that everyone needs some "me" time, and it's okay to take a little time for yourself.  I'm not prepared to argue against that, in fact, ME loves that idea.  And yet, is it really true?  I suppose it depends on what that "me" time looks like, how we spend it, or when we take it.  In fact, I think that's just it.  "Me" time is probably very beneficial, if we spend it with God or at least honoring God with our choice of activity, or non-activity in our "me" time.  And "Me" time is probably very important, if we don't neglect anothers glaring needs to take it.  And it probably comes down to our attitude about "me" time too...for ME tonight, it was plain old selfish.  And I'm not even referring to going for a jog, but my line of thinking as I did jog.  Because, the truth is, that I am so blessed to have a newborn baby, a new life given as a gift, that does need ME very often.

Maybe when I get older, I'll understand the real purpose of this life on earth...that it isn't about ME, but about being a servant of God and thus a servant to others.  And I confess that is a super simplified statement about the purpose of life, but I'm not about to expand upon that one tonight.  

Since my precious little one was very much a reason for my post tonight, here are a few pictures to hold you over until I can give her a proper introduction...don't hold your breath till I do.  My track record for consistency in blogging will not earn ME any awards.

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