Just the other day, I asked my more than challenging 3 year old (do you have one of those?) to do something for me. I don't even remember what it was...a simple task, something she probably does everyday. Her response? "Mom, that's not on my to-do list." Really. You are 3, can't form any letters yet, and you've got a to-do list?
It certainly made me me chuckle, but it also made me think. Am I writing my to-do list all by myself? Sure, I'm capable of choosing what goes on it, and in a sense I have the responsibility to make a list and use the time I have wisely.
But in the bigger picture, do I ask God what He has on my to-do list? Is my heart open, am I listening each day for that voice to guide me, even in the day to day? I'm not so sure. I've probably said to God more than a few times, "That's not on my to-do list!" An unexpected mess, a neighbor who needed a listening ear, a surprise visitor, sickness, character training. These are just some of the little things. Then there's the big things that totally shove our lists out of the way and change our day, our week, maybe our lives completely. Some of you know that kind of list destroyer all too well.
So, while I'm capable of keeping my own to-do list, I think I'll ask God what He's got on my to-do list today. Tomorrow. And every day after that. It's better
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