Sunday, July 25, 2010

Beauty "after" Ashes

 So, this phrase is a bit strong in describing our week.  But, at the same time, when sickness hits a family of 7, it can feel like ashes by the time it runs through over each member.  This is something I've come to expect be prepared for, and pray against at the same time.

This time around it was a high fever with a sore throat - nothing horrendous, but enough to make you feel like you were hit by a truck, had a couple throat closing rocks you couldn't swallow, and zap the energy.  It started with the 4th Little Woman two Thursdays ago, and now 10 days later, we have all suffered through it...with the exception of Daddy.  He seems to display a sickness different than the rest of us, and other than "not feeling quite right" and taking a now over 2 hour nap today, we are praying he evades the worst of it.

I suppose if I were more diligent in our hand washing, or utilizing Purel, along with keeping any sick Little Women a bit more "isolated" from the others, we may be able to keep more healthy ones when a virus does invade our home.  At the same time, it is sometimes reassuring to just share drinks and food immediately, get sick, endure it for a few days (or 10!) and get it over with knowing we are done with it and it won't pop up unexpectedly.

I think I've resorted to a happy medium - not intentionally trying to infect everyone, but not practicing the highest level of sanitation either.  Covering it all with prayer for strength to handle the sickness we do have trusting God that we will come out OK on the other side.

So, six sick people (say that 5 times fast!  I can't even do it twice without floundering.) and 10 days later we are feeling like beauties!  And, though Mommy wasn't quite up to par, she couldn't help but snap some photos of the 5 Little Beauties after we emerged from our den of sickness.  Please ignore some of the hair styles...we have an "appointment" with my dear friend and stylist Heather TOMORROW to take care of some of these hair-do no-no's.  For now, they make great shots to show up in those wedding and birthday party slide shows some day.

With their 15 cent personal "journals" in tow, they couldn't be happier.

Wandering among our garden...1/2 organized in crafty boxes thanks to my brother's generosity and Ryan's hard work, 1/2 running wild with rocks not yet placed, last year's plants resurrected, an unintentional compost pile, and a stray basketball hoop?

My dear sweet Princess H...forgive me for not combing your hair today (again!) and catching your fall off of the porch this morning (again).  In her 2 1/2 year of life, this Little Woman has had too many head bumps to count.  She's my rough and tumble keep coming at you personality.

Princess K had no problem posing for the camera...
thanks to modern digital photography I could catch
the split second she actually looked at me and sat on this rock!

Since the smallest Little Woman was out of the house (our neighbors are convinced
we lock our kids away until they are 2 because we are always outside when the youngest is napping!) I had to include her in this post.  Usually she is only utilizing her 2 middle fingers but here I caught her jamming 3 in at once.

 I couldn't help but snap this picture of our latest bloom in my flower gardens...not sure what it is (I'll have to get back to you on that one) but its brilliant color at the end of July is a welcome sight after most of my flowers have said goodbye until next season.  Another reminder of God's beauty, rising out of the dirt and ashes of our fallen world.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Flip Flop Frenzy

So, I intended for this first entry of my latest blog to be some ultra creative writing on why I was beginning another venture in the world of blogging.  But, the truth is, I don't always have time to begin things just so (largely in part to those recognized in the title of this blog - and I mean that with absolutely no trace of cynicism toward my 5 Little Women), and so that it does begin, this will have to do as my inaugural post.

I also hoped that I would have my editing software and know just a little bit how to use it so as to make some of these pictures look a bit better than they do (ok, a lot better!), but instead you get my raw amateur work - done in low lights at night none the less.  It is what it is (this, by the way, has become one of my favorite sayings of late).   But it works for the moment.

I am making a vow of sorts, to take at least one picture a day.  Shucks, I didn't spend this much money on a camera to not put it to good and frequent use!  So, since I had not done so today, I set off around the house in search of something worthy of a photograph.  And, low and behold, what did I find, but poor lost soles, lying all throughout and all around outside (even on the floor of our impeccably clean Suburban).  And to whom might they belong?  You've guessed it.  My 5 Little Women.  Now I know why we "need" more than 5 pairs of flip flops/sandals for these miniature feet.  Because they are often left alone, desperate for a partner so they can become a pair and be worn!

And you queens of organization say, well, if you had a place for your girls to put those flip flops, and trained them to put them there, you would always know where they are.  I can honestly say I have tried that, and continue to try.  And as much as I would love to see them in their basket at the end of each day, and as much as I sometimes grumble about always picking up flip flops or asking them to be picked up, I can speak in truth when I say I am glad for those flip flops lying around the house.  They are evidence of the 5 Little Women living under this roof.  5 Little women who bring joy, laughter, sorrow, frustration, fear, peace, comfort, blessing and so much more to our lives.  And for these 5 Little Women, and their 10+ little flip flops, I praise God.

I don't see dirt and Cheerios here, do you?  Not on my car floor, no way.
I would never let the 5 Little Women eat a snack in the car, make a mess, and not clean it up.
It is actually a miracle that I can see the flip flop!

Though not a flip flop, Crocs are definitely part of the family.
I couldn't help but throw this one in:  A few of the 5 Little Women with
one of the important Men in their life.  In flip flops of course.